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TSU Kiel-Lübeck-Lund Programm

Day / Time / Title
Sunday 20 till 15:00 Arrival participants
16:00 guided city tour
20:00 barbecue at university

Monday 21 10:00 breakfast at lodgers'
11:00 reception at town hall by the major of Kiel, Norbert Gansel
13:00 lunch at mensa
15:00 reception at the open-air museum Molfsee 
by TSU-patron Dr. Herman Heidrich
21:00 pubcrawl

Tuesday 22 07:00 breakfast at lodgers'
08:00 trip to schleswig, haithabu (viking museum)
10:00 arrival at Haithabu & reception 
by the TSU-patron Prof. Dr. von Carnap Bornheim
12:00 film: "The world of the vikings"
13:00 boattransfer to Schleswig
15:30 Reception at the archologic museum, castle Gottorf
18:00 pubcrawl or return to Kiel

Wednesday 23 10:00 breakfast at lodgers'
11:00 lecture MA
13:00 lunch at mensa
15:00 sailing by yourself
21:00 barbecue in Schrevenpark

Thursday 24 08:00 breakfast at lodgers'
10:00 de1parture Kiel by train
11:00 arrival to Lübeck, transfer to dormitory
13:00 lunch at mensa
14:30 sightseeing tour Lübeck
22:00 pubcrawl

Friday 25 10:00 breakfast
11:00 lectures: Lübeck & Hanseatic League
13:00 lunch at mensa
14:30 lecture/workshop clothes in middle ages
22:00 disco night on board of a ship

Saturday 26 10:00 trip to Hamburg, sightseeing tour
15:00 free afternoon
22:00 Reeperbahn Hamburg

Sunday 27 11:00 visit oldest hospital of germany
13:00 lunch
15:00 trip to Travemünde: playing medieval games
20:00 return to Lübeck
22:00 party in dormitory or outside with barbecue

Monday 28 11:00 two lectures - torture, wars, magic
14:00 lecture/workshop on food - baking own bread
22:00 pub crawl

Tuesday 29 7.00 waking up
8.00 leaving dormitory to Travemünde
10.00 ferry departs
17.15 ferry arrives to Trelleborg
19.00 arrival Lund: welcome drink at student hostel
20.00 the participants are taken to their hosts
22.00? Meeting point at Kulturen for pub crawl

Wednesday 30 10:30 Guided tour in Lund
14:00 Guided tour at Kulturen (museum)
19:30 Dinner: Chili con carne at Micklagård
22:30 "student nations" with disco
Thursday 31 10:00 Cars depart for Ale stenar (stone ship)
19:00 European Night: Medieval Party with barbecue at Lophtet

Friday 1 10:30 Medieval music
13:00 Lunch: maccaroni salad
15:00 Varpa (old Swedish game) at Klostergården
20:00 International cooking at Delphi

Saturday 2 10:30 Medieval dance

Sunday 3 all day departure