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The Kiel-Copenhagen-SU '99 The Calendar of Events
The Kiel-Lund-Meeting '99 Our SummerUniversity '98
Activities in Kiel in 1999/2000 What AEGEE is about

The Kiel-Copenhagen-Summer-University

Under the Patronage of Prof. Dr. E.Marold, Prof. Dr. A. Riis, Prof. Dr. K. Schietzel

"I think we all had
a wonderful time
either in Kiel or in

On behalf of the
SUCT of Kiel &



Teaching programme: History and culture concerning the age of the Vikings and the Middle Ages.

Leisure programme:
- Excursions to the ancient viking village Haithabu
and the medieval city of Luebeck
- Guided tour of the city of Kiel
- Experience a real viking party
- Learn how to fight a viking naval battle
- Experience a medieval dinner
- Visit Denmark's oldest town, the medieval city of Ribe
- See the Jellinge Stone
- Sightseeing in Copenhagen and surroundings

The course will start in Kiel. There, You will get an
intense introduction to
the age of the Vikings,
concerning the history, culture
and the language of
the Vikings (old-icelandic).

In Copenhagen, the main arguments will concern the middle ages. In Denmark, 1999 is dedicated to the middle ages, and numerous exhibitions
and events all over the country bring back the Middle Ages.

The Calendar of Events

AEGEE = Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe


Read more Infos in german language
What AEGEE is about

Founded 1985 in Paris
Interdisciplinary Students Association
Today 20.000 Members
277 locals in 43 European countries
Network without National Level
The Aims
Living the European Idea across Borders
Influencing Leaders and Society by Nonstructive Contribution and Activity
Complementing University Education
Transcultural Awareness
Social Responsibility
Open Exchange
horizontal: Students of all Directions
vertical: Students and todayís Experts

AEGEE organises
International Conferences
International Seminars
European-wide Projects
Case Study Trips
Summer Universities (language courses)
learning by doing in an open and constructive environment


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The Kiel-Lund-Meeting
with the financial support by the University Foreign Office of the
Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel.

Worum es geht:

Betreuung und kulturelles Rahmenprogramm
für eine Gruppe von 8 PhysikstudentInnen
der Universität Lund (Schweden) vom
27. März bis 2. April 1999 in Kiel